Friday, May 14, 2010

Lawerance of Arabia

The true story of an unlucky lady:

Approximately, a century ago,
There was a colonel in the British Army, "Colonel Naidu". He came to India, from London, on some official responsibility. Before his return, he decided to witness "Magic of India". Simple by nature, he decided to tour India like an ordinary tourist. Passing through many cities, villages, and historical places, he ended up at "Gulmarg". The beauty of this valley enchanted him. People say that he liked this valley so much that, he stayed there for weeks. All day long, he wandered in paved and unpaved routes, in search of waterfalls, trees, mountain peaks, covered in fog. Once, driven by the love of nature, his eyes struck an illiterate nomad girl. It was like fire to an oil tank or oil drop to a hot pan. Those who say, say that, Col Naidu became crazy, in the love of an ordinary girl. Col Naidu resigned from his job and willingly left all his friends and property, back in London.
Love proceeded further and both decided to marry but the customs of the "Gujar tribe" were very tough but Col Naidu, was even willing to go to Hell for her. So, he gave up his suit and wore dress of sweat, raised cattle, learned their language, studied Islam and embraced it, played "Gatka", cut the trees, fought wild bears :), lived in the jungle on dark nights... At last, he passed the tribal customs and the stranger made his room in the Gujar tribe. After all these hardships, Col Naidu and the girl were bonded together. After two years of their marriage, a babby girl was born.
Col Naidu was a wise man, so instead of raising cattle for the rest of his life, he started trading cattle. He was sincere, honest and educated, so his business started to grow. He started a restaurant, then a hotel and then many big hotels. In twenty years, he was counted among the leading investors of India.

Lets pause here for a moment.

Internationally famous colonel of British Army, Col Lawrence (Known as Lawrence of Arabia) was a tough man. He could survive in deserts, for weeks, without food and water. He could swim for hours.... besides all this, he had all the books of major religions, locked in his memory. He would speak Arabic, Persian, English(obviously)and French fluently and people native to these languages won't recognize him, as English. Maybe, it was all these qualities that he was called "Brain of intellect in the skin of beast".
When Col. Lawrence crushed the rebellion in the "Turk Empire" and returned from "Desert of Death", he was called by his commander to reach India, as soon as possible. The very next day, he packed for Delhi and awaited "Orders". Cutting short, When he reached the palace of the viceroy, he was welcomed in a way, as great nations welcome their heroes. All day long, after celebrations, when night knocked, intoxicated viceroy handed over to him "The New Orders". It was an Order sheet, in which his new responsibilities were written. After reading the Order sheet and thinking for some time, Col Lawrence said " His excellency!! I need a couple of days to grow beard. Arrange for me a Muslim, who could teach me some local Islamic poetry.". Viceroy put his palm on his chest and said "Consider it done".
After six months of arrival of Col. Lawrence, in Lahore, a Saint who came to India from Madina gained popularity. "Shah G" lived in an old and dark house in "Old Anarkali, Lahore". He was very God conscious, knowledgeable about Quran and gifted with a good throat. His recitation from Quran, seized moving steps and birds would forget to fly. His prayers were so powerful that, once when he would pray for something, the next day it would happen. His hospitality, no guest would ever go without a meal. His charity, he would distribute food among the poor. His popularity was growing and soon he had followers in every corner of India.

Now connecting the two stories.

Col Naidu became a very staunch Sufi Muslim and was always searching for saints. He heard of "Shah G" and decided to meet him. He traveled to Lahore and met "Shah G". "Shah G" impressed him very much. " X-"Col Naidu"" now decided to wed his daughter to the saint. He asked his daughter and she agreed, then he talked to "Shah G" and he agreed too. Well, all the puzzles at place, the wedding went smooth and the father returned back home.

After a couple of months, Col Naidu decided to meet his daughter and get the blessings of "Shah G". When he reached the home of his son in law, "Shah G" wasn't home, so, he met his daughter. "Father this man is a fraud. His real name is Lawrence and he is a Colonel in the British army. His plan is to divide Muslims. Please take me with you. Please Please.. Hurry", his daughter told in one breath. Now the worst happened, Shah G (Col Lawrence), returned. Col Lawrence, with the help of his followers, beat his father in law and accused him to be insulting Islam.

Col Naidu heard of a wrestler was a lover of God and the Prophet of Islam. The wrestler had a very good reputation of being very pious. He went to him and told him the story. On hearing the story, the wrestler vowed to expose "Shah G".

The wrestler took Col Naidu with him and recited verses of Quran to the followers of "Shah G". He convinced the close followers of "Shah G", that its the right of the father to meet his daughter and told them the complete story.

Cutting short, Col Naidu got his daughter back and after some time she was remarried to the "Sheikh" family of Kashmir. To this lady was born a son, called "Sheikh Abdullah". Yes, Sheikh Abdullah of Kashmir, who was the head of Indian occupied Kashmirs parliament. He was fighting for the rights of the Kashmiri people but was later unveiled to be Indian agent and a traitor to the Kashmiri people.

Such an unlucky women she was. She got freed from a traitor and gave birth to another traitor!

(my website: )

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